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In this post I’m sharing my favorite senior picture ideas for winter.
Despite the frigid temperatures outside, this can still be a great time of year for unique senior pictures.
While the trees my be empty of leaves and there are no fields of flowers, there are still many ways to snap pictures that will look stunning.
If you take your pictures outdoors in the winter and you aren’t in the southern states, be sure to layer up.
You could be standing outside for a while and, as cute as pink cheeks can be, you don’t want to look freezing cold in your pictures.
Wear layers and bring a thick coat. Even if you don’t wear it the entire time you can throw it in every time the photographer needs to change your pose/location.

Pictures in the Snow
When I think of winter senior pictures I immediately think of the snow. Snow pictures can be an absolute blast.
My partner and I took our engagement pictures in the late winter. There was snow on the ground and it was raining and our pictures still turned out stunning. So don’t feel like all hope is lost.
Snow pictures can also be a challenge both for the photographer and the model. If you choose to go this route make sure your photographer has experience taking pictures in the snow.
You don’t want to spend 2 hours in the cold and end up with poor pictures because your photographers settings were wrong.
Be ready to move around in the snow. You’ll likely need to try a variety of poses. There’s a good chance you’ll end up with snow all over so again, layers are important here.
My last piece of advice for snow pictures, relax and have fun. Embrace the cold and have fun playing in the snow, your pictures will turn out far better.

Pictures Indoors
If you need to have your senior pictures taken in winter and you don’t want to spend a bunch of time in the cold, indoor pictures are the way to go.
This could be spending time in a photography studio which I think people sometimes want to avoid. And I get the desire to have more natural pictures. But studio portraits can turn out great so don’t immediately right them off. They can often turn out much better when you have a few outfits and props to take pictures with. You’ll just want to keep in mind that most phorotgraphers will charge an additional fee with outfit changes and sometimes props as well.
This could also mean spending time at your favorite indoor location.

Typically, I would look for older buildings or buildings with a great deal of character for better senior portraits.And places that aren’t necessarily jam packed with people all day.
If your city has iconic buildings, that may be a great place to take your pictures. But you’ll want to make sure you’re allowed to take your pictures there and don’t need some kind of permit to do so.
We had an extremely popular photo spot in our city that charged for a photography permit for anyone who wanted to shoot there. The cost wasn’t crazy but it was required.
You’ll also want to make sure there isn’t some big event happening there the same day you schedule your pictures.
Winter Snow Sports Pictures
If you play winter sports, those could be great pictures to take for your senior portraits during the winter.
Don’t be afraid to grab your snowboard or skis and go to your favorite spot to snap some senior pictures.
I helped a friend of mine take pictures at a ski resort and they turned out fantastic. If your local resort has a ski lodge or village there can be many great photo spots for your senior portrait.

Same goes if you ice skate or play hockey. Your local ice rink can be a great place to get pictures.
For all of these I recommend checking with the local business before hand. Most of the time they’ll have no issue with it.
Below are some examples of fantastic winter senior picture ideas.

If you need more senior picture ideas be sure to check out my other posts.

Need help picking out the outfit? Check out our guide on senior picture outfit ideas.

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