10 Fun Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for less than $20

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This article will help you create that perfect cheap Valentine’s Day date.

Cheap Valentine's Day date ideas you'll love.

When money is tight, it can seem difficult to make those special moments just right. We tell ourselves that perfect Valentine’s Day date can’t be good if it’s cheap. We need the nice restaurant, pricey gift, and fancy dress.

But in reality, we just need to be with our loved one.

Creating that perfect Valentine’s Day date doesn’t require much.To be honest, often money can be a bit of a crutch in your life. You default to those pricey things mentioned above rather than come up with something tailored perfectly for your loved one. Here’s one example.

My wife loves airplanes, so one Valentine’s Day we grabbed some food from Chic-fil-a and sat at a park next to the airport. We ate our food while we watched planes come and go and enjoyed peaceful conversation. It was a cheap date but one of my favorites.

When you take the time to cater the evening to their interests, they’ll enjoy it so much more and it will help express how much they mean to you.

There are tons of great cheap date ideas but these ten should get your mind moving as you work to come up with the perfect Valentine’s Day date.

Cheap Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

1. Treasure Hunt

This is what I’ll be doing this next Valentine’s day. This is a fun date idea and one you have no choice but to customize for your love. This date can take many forms, from sending them emails or texts with hints to leaving actual notes on where they need to go. You can do something as simple as lead them from the bedroom through the house to leading them all across town. You can truly make it as simple or as complex as you’d like but whatever you do, be sure to use it as a way to express how much you love them.

2. Local, Cultural Attractions or Community Events

In many cases you can find local events that make for cheap and fun dates. From concerts to plays to food festivals, there are so many fun options. On multiple occasions we’ve used free public concerts for date night. If you look around in your area you can probably find something around Valentine’s Day that would make for a great Valentine’s Day date.

3. Arcade Competition

An arcade makes for a fun cheap Valentine's Day date

It’s been a while since we went on one of these dates but they are an absolute blast. While nickel arcades make for the best cheap date option you may need to look for other options like Dave & Busters (which can be a bit more pricey).

4. Potluck with Other Couples

This can be a fun way to get a delicious dinner date without absorbing all of the cost. If you aren’t too excited about the traditional potluck you can mix it up by having each couple bring food from different cultures.

A cheap valentine's day date idea is a potluck

5. Go to a Pool Hall

While pool halls seem to be declining I love them for a fun date night. The price for an hour of pool is usually pretty cheap and it’s often on the quieter side. What I love about pool is it can be as competitive or relaxed as you like but it gives you plenty of time to flirt and talk as you play. Bowling makes a good alternative to this.

A game of pool or bowling can be a fun inexpensive valentine's day date

6. Cook Together

From homemade pizza to filet mignon…well maybe a small stake since we’re staying cheap. Cooking together can be a fun and romantic activity. Pick out a dish you both enjoy eating, pick up the ingredients, and get cooking.

Cooking together can be a fun valentine's day date.

7. Amateur Night at a Comedy Club

Going to see a famous comedian can be painfully expensive but the amateur night is much more affordable. Obviously, you risk a dud here or there but if you‘re with the right person it can still be a joy.

8. Art Night

Whether or not you’re artistic, an art night can be a blast. The Painting With a Twist (or other places like it) can be fun but are quite pricey. A fun cheap alternative is to swing by Michael’s and pick up a couple of canvases (and paints with brushes if you don’t have any). Then, each of you chooses an object to paint and go for it. Another fun way to mix this up is to each write down 10 random things and mix them up in a hat. Then each pick out 5 and create a painting that incorporates all of them. I’m no artist but every time we’ve done this it’s been a blast.

Paint together for an inexpensive Valentine's day date

9. Ice Cream Sundaes

A trip out to a local ice cream or yogurt shop and a stroll around a park is one of my favorite dates. Though the cold February weather isn’t the most conducive to this so you may want to opt for a sundae bar at home or with a group of other couples. Pair it with some fun games and you’re good to go.

10. Breakfast in Bed

Make breakfast in bed for a fun Valentine's day date.

Unless you really load up on premium foods breakfast is a pretty cheap meal to prepare. So wake up early and whip up your significant others favorite breakfast food and serve it in bed.

What’s your favorite cheap date night activity?






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